Saturday Music at the Market Schedule 2024
(Music is only available on Saturdays at this time)
To apply to play music at the Market click here. We are currently booking for music for the 2025 season! If you or someone you know is interested in playing music at the Market, please let us know! We are able to pay a small amount to any music act. All paid music will be on Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm. Stage and electricity are provided. Below you will see OPEN dates in BOLD! Let us know if any of those dates work for you!
We are always in need of MUSIC SPONSORS to continue to have live music at the Market!! Let us know if you can help! We gladly accept monetary donations!
See below to find out who will be playing music on what day! This will be updated as the acts are booked! These are subject to change without notice!
5/10— (Opening Day) Potentially H.S. Band
5/17— Mr. Red Shoes
5/24—Russell Kofoed
5/31—Kupenga Marimba Band
6/7— Gina Glaubke
6/14— Adelaide Elmer (Outdoor Quilt Show)
6/21— Wayne Worthen (Kids Day)
6/28— OPEN
7/5— OPEN
7/12— OPEN
7/19— OPEN
7/26— Chris Kaufman
8/2— OPEN
8/9—Eden (Fruit Pie Festival and Sale)
8/16— Mr. Red Shoes
8/23— OPEN
8/30— Glitterfunk
9/6— OPEN
9/13— OPEN
9/20— OPEN
9/27— OPEN
10/4— OPEN
10/11— OPEN
10/18— OPEN (Fall Harvest Festival and Last day of Market)