Air Quality Policy

La Grande Farmers Market will continue to implement the 2020 Air Quality Policy during the 2024 season! Please read for details…

The market will be open every Saturday and Tuesday as normal unless the air quality reaches levels outlined below. Please read the policy carefully:

If the air quality is projected to reach the "Very Unhealthy" level, the market will be open but will close at 11 AM instead of noon. This level is represented by any number 201 and above on the Air Quality Index. By shortening the market, our customers still have access to healthy food and our vendors are able to make the income they depend on.

If the air quality is projected to reach the "Hazardous" level, the market will be closed that day. This level is represented by any number 301 and above on the Air Quality Index. Hazardous air levels make it unsafe for all persons to be outside for any period of time.

We will provide our vendors and customers with 48 hour notice. Changes to market operations due to air quality are based on the forecast provided on IQ air. You can keep an eye on the air quality projections using the same resource LGFM uses. The link is included for your convenience below.
Follow the air quality in La Grande here!

Stay tuned to our newsletter, social media, and website for the most up to date information going forward.